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Catalonia uses D'Hondt for allocating the 135 seats in their parliament. Will Catalans return a pro-independent parliament on December 21? Catalan separatist parties won a majority in the regional parliament in Sunday's election, but Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez was one of the night's big winners . Which is not to say that today's elections won't be something of a turning point . Seats are allocated proportionally to the four Catalan provinces, and then awarded based on each party's results in that province. THE PSC socialist party in Cataluña and their leader Salvador Illa are celebrating what they consider to be a "very good" result in the Catalan elections of 14-F. Long before the total of votes had been scrutinised, Illa began his speech with thanks and said that the elections had gone "normally" despite the . Catalonia election: full results. Resign, resign, resign," she said to cheering crowds. What is less clear is what happens next. 19. Catalan Election Results 2010 I'm using the widget designed by El País to display the results of tomorrow's elections in Cataluña. The election results reflected painful divisions, with the separatist parties squeaking out a majority of seats. Separatist parties topped the poll in Catalonia's regional elections at the weekend. By Reuters On 9/27/15 at 3:10 PM EDT. . Catalan separatist parties won a majority in the regional parliament after Sunday's election, while the Socialists of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez are on track to garner the highest number of votes. The data was obtained and processed from Idescat.cat by Marc Belzunces (Twitter: @marcbeldata). Three years ago, right after the peak of the independence push, almost 80% of citizens flooded polling stations in order to assess the role of parties during the referendum. The election pits Catalan pro-independence parties against those who want the region to remain a semi-autonomous part of Spain. With the support of the far-left, pro-independence party CUP, which managed nine seats in the regional parliament, the three parties will be able to . After the 2017 election, pro-Catalan independence parties secured a parliamentary majority, electing Quim Torra as new Catalan president after attempts to have Carles Puigdemont and Jordi Turull . Jonathan Parker assesses what the results mean for politics in Catalonia.. Despite it being an unprecedented victory for the unionist Ciutadans party (Cs), the pro-independence parties - Together for Catalonia (JxCat), Esquerra (ERC) and CUP - managed to hold on to their overall majority in the Parliament. Results from Catalan regional elections (1980-2015) Data from Catalan regional elections for 949 municipalities, from 11 elections spanning the years 1980-2015. The former leader of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, urged Madrid to enter political negotiations following a regional election that gave pro-independence parties a majority in the Catalan parliament. The files come from the organising bodies (Ministry of Foreign Action and and the Spanish Ministry of Home Affairs) according to the type of election (Catalan Parliament, Conselh Generau d'Aran, county councils, Congress and Senate, European Parliament, municipal elections and provincial councils). BREAKING: Predicted results of Catalan elections suggest victory for pro-independence sector All nine parties could make it into the regional parliament for the first time By share. . Catalan separatists increase majority in regional elections Strong showing by Socialists with low turnout of 53 per cent amid the pandemic Sun, Feb 14, 2021, 22:21 Updated: Mon, Feb 15, 2021, 09:15 Catalan government minister Meritxell Budó has guaranteed that the results of the parliamentary elections which Catalonia is holding amidst the third wave of the coronavirus this Sunday February 14th will be released to the public on election night. Credit: La Moncloa flickr. The election pits Catalan pro-independence parties against those who want the region to remain a semi-autonomous part of Spain. Statistical: Population from the Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat). Catalan independence supporters celebrate at the Catalan National Assembly headquarters after results of the regional elections in Barcelona AP Catalonia election: in pictures for a health minister that was a fucking disaster and left in the middle of the third wave to be a candidate in the Catalan elections. The Catalans have an appointment next February 14th in which it may be the regional elections most controversial in recent years. Posted by 7 months ago. These elections show an unprecedented divide in Catalan society. Catalan election results put region on the road to independence. Live 2021 Catalan election results. News. Pique's analysis of the Catalan elections. The regional election in Catalonia has left the governing scenario wide open. 2017年1月24日,加泰隆尼亞政府在欧洲议会布鲁塞尔辦公室的一个会议室内,举行题为"加泰罗尼亚全民投票"的私人会议。 有500人出席了会议,其中包括来自国际媒体、歐洲議會議員、外交官和记者。 加泰罗尼亚政府法令正式宣布将于8月下旬批准举办公投 ,但投票日期需在9月6日才能確定 。 Catalonia's recent elections, which the regional government touted as a prelude to a referendum on independence, produced mixed results. The results are clear. Former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont has called on the Spanish government to finally and officially recognize last month's election results in Catalonia. On Sunday 14th of February or Valentine's Day, voters in Catalonia went to the polls to elect a new regional parliament and through that, a new regional government. February 15, 2021 1:02 am. News. approval of a sweeping U.S. tax revamp and awaited results of an election in the restive Spanish region of Catalonia aimed at . The pro-union Socialist Party is set to claim the most seats in the Catalan parliament, but the faction will also face a . Between them, they now hold 74 of the 135 seats in the Catalan parliament, an increase of four seats. As the Catalan administration's logistical preparations for the elections have continued this week, doubts were raised about whether the normal . News. Victory as the best-performing party can be claimed by the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC-PSOE), both in terms of the popular vote and seats, although in the latter metric they are tied with the Catalan Republican Left (ERC). a 11/26/2012. The Catalan Repulican Left (ERC) party drew with the PSC and took home 33 votes, while Junts per Catalunya (Together for Catalunya) secured 32. Secessionist forces won a majority of seats at the regional parliament but obtained less than 50 percent of the popular vote. . 45 comments. The data was obtained and processed from Idescat.cat by Marc Belzunces (Twitter: @marcbeldata). A ruling by Spain's constitutional court in the summer to water down a new autonomy statute—the results of a PP legal challenge—has raised the . The files come from the organising bodies (Ministry of Foreign Action and and the Spanish Ministry of Home Affairs) according to the type of election (Catalan Parliament, Conselh Generau d'Aran, county councils, Congress and Senate, European Parliament, municipal elections and provincial councils). 19. The 2021 regional elections in Catalonia saw dramatic shifts between some parties, but confirmed the basic division of Catalan politics into two polarised blocs based on the independence . News Catalonia election: Socialists win, but separatists expand majority. Although the pro-union centre-right Citizens were the largest . The Catalan elections Barcelona vs Madrid. hide. Well no, not really. For the first time, pro-independence parties took more than half the votes, winning 51% - up from 47.5% in the last regional election in December 2017. Please get involved." So is this it, crunch day for Cataluña as it decides its future relationship with Spain? Election monitors swapped face masks for full-body protective suits during the final hour of voting, "the zombie hour", which was reserved for people with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. Pro-independence parties matched their vote share from the previous election, despite a massive 82 percent turnout that many had predicted would benefit the unionists. Live 2021 Catalan election results. Poll predicts Catalan separatists to win regional election majority. Credit: La Moncloa flickr. Catalan election polls 2017. MADRID — Socialists scored their first victory in a Catalan regional election Sunday, but pro-independence parties increased their overall majority. Reporting from Barcelona, Spain — More than 80% of voters participating in Catalonia's weekend independence poll endorsed breaking away from Spain, initial results showed early Monday. Election results: 21 December 2017, from the Government of Catalonia. Pro-independence parties won 74 out of 135 seats, up four. The Socialist Party led by former Spanish health . BARCELONA, Feb 14 (Reuters) - Separatist parties looked set to win enough votes to keep a majority of seats in Catalonia's . (Read More: Catalan Election Results) The region, which includes Barcelona, Spain's second-largest city, pays more into Spain's central coffers than it gets back, and is historically independent . In an extremely tight three-way race, the unionist Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) secured 23 percent of the vote and 33 seats — the same number as the Catalan . Once the results of Thursday's Catalan election were in, it didn't take long for the main political players to react. Live 2021 Catalan election results. 14 . The Catalonia region of Spain is voting today in local elections which, while not directly an independence vote, are considered a proxy for independence support. With 22 MPs, including four in jail, Catalan separatist parties boosted their standing in Spain's national parliament in general elections Sunday, even as voters opted for more moderation. Laura Millan Lombrana. 45 comments. . Background on Catalonia and Spain is explained in this English-language Spanish website, An historical look at the drive for an independent state of Catalonia . Spain's Catalonia holds regional election, testing separatists' strength. . Convert the downloaded files of the chosen level to TopoJSON with Mapshaper and you will get a Catalan municipalities (municipis) JSON or Catalan Counties (comarques) JSON. Archived. Pro-separatist parties won the . Peter Ceretti of the EIU says tough talks will be needed between parties to form a government after the election in Catalonia. The incoming regional government will press ahead for a referendum on independence, against . As someone who is pro-Catalonia staying in Spain, I blame PP and Rajoy for this. share. Separatists headed for Catalan election majority, preliminary results show Reading Time: 2 minutes BARCELONA: Separatist parties were on track on Sunday (Feb 14) to jointly win enough seats to strengthen their majority in Catalonia's regional parliament, according to preliminary results with over 80 per cent of the votes counted. What Spain's election says about Catalan independence. The Socialists have edged victory in the 2021 Catalan election after an incredibly tight count that saw them emerge with 23.02% of the votes, just ahead of pro-independence parties Esquerra (ERC) on 21.31% and Junts per Catalunya (JxCat) on 20.06%.. Election Results May Move Catalonia Toward Secession From Spain. The results of Thursday's Catalan election were clear enough: although the unionist Ciutadans party (Cs) won the most votes, the pro-independence bloc once again has a clear majority in the Parliament. However, with almost all votes counted, the unionist Citizens (Cs . Don't expect a solution anytime soon. The conservative Vox Party significantly over-performed election expectations as it became the fourth most powerful political force in the region, and seized the hegemony of the right. ELECTION What the election results tell us about the Catalan independence movement. All 135 seats in the Parliament were up for election. resultats.parlament2021.cat/result. THE polling stations closed at 8:00 p.m. and placed Salvador Illa of the PSC party as the winner of the elections in Catalonia by the percentage of the vote, although he will have the same or fewer seats than the ERC. Catalan Regional Election Results 2012. Data from Catalan regional elections for 949 municipalities, from 11 elections spanning the years 1980-2015. The election mood in Catalonia is dramatically different ahead of February 14 compared to the last Catalan parliamentary vote, held on December 21, 2017. Separatists headed for Catalan election majority, preliminary results show Reading Time: 2 minutes BARCELONA: Separatist parties were on track on Sunday (Feb 14) to jointly win enough seats to strengthen their majority in Catalonia's regional parliament, according to preliminary results with over 80 per cent of the votes counted. The Catalan government has been dominated by separatists since 2015 and Spain's Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is hoping that this election, the fifth in a decade, could end their rule. resultats.parlament2021.cat/result. European stock markets traded in narrow ranges Thursday as investors assessed the final congressional approval of a sweeping U.S. tax revamp and awaited results of an election in the restive . Axed Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, flanked by former Catalan cabinet ministers Antoni Comin, left, and Meritxell Serret, right, celebrates in Brussels after hearing the results of the . Catalonia, as of now, is at the center of the campaign for the general election. In terms of number of seats it was even tighter, with 33 MPs being elected for both the Socialists and ERC, and JxCat just one behind with 32 . The Catalan Election Results and The Fight for Independence. It is almost universally expected that the winner of the election will be Convergència i Unió (CiU), if they win they will return to power for the first time in 8 years. Catalan pro-independence parties have increased their parliamentary majority following a regional election in which the unionist Socialists took the largest share of the vote and the far-right Vox . Catalan_elections. but given the latest electoral results and the difficulties forming a new government and . It is the right . Artur Mas and separatist supporters » Mark Moloney 'The cry on the street has gone to the polls' SEPARATIST PARTIES topped the poll in Catalonia's regional elections at the weekend. News. Following the aftermath of the elections held in Catalonia on February 14, 2021, the political landscape in the northeastern region of Spain is dramatically changed. A supporter of secessionist group Junts Pel Si (Together for Yes) holds a pro-independence . The coronavirus pandemic threatens the participation of a citizenry that still looks at the peak of the third wave with some closeness. We are treated to yet another early election called, as in the recent case of Galicia, for opportunistic reasons. These elections were particularly significant because, for the . . The Catalan Nationalists posted better results than in 2017 by energizing their base of committed voters. The Catalan authorities let the prisoners out on day release so that they could campaign. THE PSC socialist party in Cataluña and their leader Salvador Illa are celebrating what they consider to be a "very good" result in the Catalan elections of 14-F. Long before the total of votes had been scrutinised, Illa began his speech with thanks and said that the elections had gone "normally" despite the . The Catalan government has been dominated by separatists since 2015 and Spain's Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is hoping that this election, the fifth in a decade, could end their rule. CATALAN ELECTION RESULTS: Socialist party wins, pro-independence platform obtain best ever combined result and Vox enter parliament Previous winners Cs lose 30 seats and fall to seventh place By However, with almost all votes counted, the unionist Citizens (Cs . The parties have governed since . The most likely scenario was for the two main separatist parties to extend their coalition . Catalan election results point to tough talks to form a government. On Thursday night pro-independence parties secured a renewed majority in the Catalan parliament. The 2017 Catalan regional election was held on Thursday, 21 December 2017 to elect the 12th Parliament of the autonomous community of Catalonia.All 135 seats in the Parliament were up for election. Close. Election results in Catalonia: a wide-open scenario. . The pro-union Socialist Party is set to claim the most seats in the Catalan parliament, but the faction will also face a . hide. Posted by 7 months ago. The only female presidential candidate and the youngest, at 34, Arrimadas on Sunday night called for the current president of the Catalan parliament, Artur Mas, to resign: "With today's result, Artur Mas can only do one thing and that is to resign and go home. for a health minister that was a fucking disaster and left in the middle of the third wave to be a candidate in the Catalan elections. 14 . Last Sunday's elections to Catalonia's powerful parliament offer comfort both to Spain's centre-left coalition government, and also to the Catalan independence movement, whose three parties . On the same topic. Share: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn. By Samuel Blencoe. The election was called by Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy after the invocation of Article 155 of the 1978 Spanish Constitution to enforce direct rule in Catalonia and the subsequent dismissal . With more than 99% of votes counted, the three . Catalans will elect a new regional parliament on December 21. Early morning in Plaça de Sant Jaume, Barcelona, seat of the Catalan regional government (iStock) The Catalan branch of Spain's ruling Socialist Party (PSOE) shared first place with the separatist Republican Left (ERC) in regional elections on Sunday. We, the pro-independence parties have a majority, we have reached more than 50 percent of the popular vote," said the ERC's candidate and acting Catalonia President Pere Aragones. Gerard Pique has publicly expressed his opinion on the results of Sunday's elections in Catalonia. Results . save. Catalonia election to test independence movement. Polls predict a tight race between the Socialists and the two leading pro-secession parties, the left-wing Republic Left of Catalonia and the . An Phoblacht: Catalan election results put region on the road to independence. On Friday, the different Catalan parties began to put forward their vision of Catalonia's political . save. Live 2021 Catalan election results. Listen to this story. 4y. The incoming regional government will press ahead for a referendum on independence, against the wishes of the Spanish Government in Madrid. Thousands of Catalans return to lockdown as Spain fights new Covid-19 clusters. The snap election was called by Spain's central government, which suspended Catalonia's autonomy in October after the region's parliament voted to declare an independent republic. Check our Catalan coverage, look back at how the current crises built up and scroll down for the latest results. Politicians and policies capable of healing wounds and weaving a new space for coexistence are needed. On 14 February, Catalonia held regional elections, with pro-independence parties maintaining their majority in the Catalan parliament. But even in Catalonia, the results reflected painful divisions, with the . The 2021 Catalan regional election was held on Sunday, 14 February 2021, to elect the 13th Parliament of the autonomous community of Catalonia. Close. The Catalan election results saw support for Spain's mainstream falter further - losing six seats, with a subsequent rise in support for the independence camp. News Catalonia election: Socialists win, but separatists expand majority. European markets steady ahead of Catalan election results. However, "this is the first time in Catalan elections that combined forces on the left, nationalist and non-nationalist have won, taking 70 percent of votes and around 80 of the 135 seats . "The Catalan people have spoken, the time has come to negotiate a referendum of self-determination. Separatist parties in Spain's semi-autonomous Catalonia region will boost their majority in the local parliament, near-complete results suggest. Catalan Elections 2021: Salvador Illa Wins The Catalonia Elections- According To Exit Polls. Once again, the emotional divide over independence dominated the election. War in Ukraine. Republic of London. Archived. The 135 seats in the Catalan people have spoken, the results reflected painful divisions, with the also a. Majority in the Catalan parliament election results < /a > Credit: La Moncloa flickr 135. Back at how the current crises built up and scroll down for the electoral... 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