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Deforestation often causes flash floods. desertification Desertification: is the process by which land in dryland regions become more arid and desert-like. Across the world, desertification affects the livelihoods of millions of people who rely on the benefits that dryland ecosystems can provide. As a result of gross mismanagement of natural resources including land, certain irreversible changes have triggered the breakdown of nutrient cycles and microclimatic equilibrium in the soil indicating the onset of deserted conditions. The most important tasks for the near Science Health and PE Materials. PQEE Pattern Quantity Expectations Examples cause of deforestation These unsustainable land uses place enormous pressure on the land by altering its soil chemistry and hydrology. The most concentrated deforestation occurs in tropical rainforests. The United Nations Environment Programme (2009) states that "forests cover 30 per cent of the planet's total land area. The desertification thus concerns a process of degradation of lands linked to natural factors aggravated by the action of the man. Removing the trees leaves the soil bare to wind and other elements which leads to desertification since the top soil is blown away, dried out or washed away by rain. - 26618259 Humans are driving the transformation of drylands into desert on an unprecedented scale around the world, with serious consequences. Humans cause deforestation in . Unfortunately, over the past century, the Sahara Desert has steadily crept south into the once fertile . Many things can cause desertification. Desertification is the process by which fertile land becomes a desert due to natural or human-made causes. Deforestation brings with it the loss of soil dynamics and its protection, accelerating erosion and desertification processes. Urbanization, Deforestation, Reforestation. Such overexploitation is generally caused by economic, environmental and social pressures. This is one-third less than the forest cover . The vegetation on the surface of the soil protects it from rain by slowing down the impact speed of the water droplets and also holding the soil by its roots. Unsustainable water management 5. This decline in biological productivity happens due to a variety of causes, including: Deforestation. desertification, also called desertization, the process by which natural or human causes reduce the biological productivity of drylands (arid and semiarid lands). If it is overgrazed fields, or even the increase of wood needed to burn, human interaction has helped advance the expansion of desertification. To learn more go to UN.org Some nations are already finding success. Deforestation can involve conversion of forest land to farms, ranches, or urban use. Abstract PIP: Desertification is a result of overexploitation of the land through overcultivation, overgrazing, deforestation, and poor irrigation practices. Desertification These factors all combine to create a warmer and drier climate and may result in desertification, which is the transformation of once fertile land into desert. Declines in productivity may be the result of climate change, deforestation, overgrazing, poverty, political instability, unsustainable irrigation practices, or combinations of these factors. This is related to deforestation and water scarcity. CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF DESERTIFICATION There are 4 main causes of desertification. - Number of species on the planet continues to decline, due to deforestation. The process is natural, but the human causes of desertification have vastly outpaced its natural speed. Deforestation: Desertification. 2. Deforestation and desertification pose major challenges to sustainable development and have affected the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in the fight against poverty caused by human activities and climate change. The World Resources Institute estimates that more than 50 percent of the earth's natural forests have already been destroyed (Hermosilla 2000). This is because prime natural resources - fertile topsoil, vegetation cover, and healthy crops - are the first to Deforestation is not. Some 250 million people living in forest and savannah areas depend on them for subsistence and. Desertification is "the degradation of dry, semi-arid and sub-humid lands resulting from various factors, such as climatic variations and human activities", as defined by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. If land does become a . This process is a result of the growing imbalance between population, resources, environment, and development. Desertification occurs when land surfaces are transformed by human activities, including overgrazing, deforestation, surface land mining, and poor irrigation techniques, during a natural time of drought. The Amazon spreads across nine South American Countries and contains one-fifth of the Worlds fresh water and one-third of the . The report estimates that gross emissions from land use and land-use change (mostly from deforestation and logging) during 2007-16 were almost 20 GtCO2 annually. $4.99. 23. It states that desertification means "land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities". Deforestation It occurs because of man-made activities and climate change. The term desertification was coined by the French botanist, Aubreville, in 1949 to describe land degradation. deforestation and desertification A The Sahel zone lies between the Sahara desert and the fertile savannahs of northern Nigeria and southern Sudan. must be added to this. The causes of deforestation include agriculture, urbanisation, mining, natural hazards, desertification, infrastructural development, timber logging, climate change, overpopulation and energy development. A common claim of defenders of tropical rain forests is that because of the shallowness of rain forest soils cutting down those forests for crops or cattle grazing will lead to massive soil erosion and eventually create deserts in areas where lush forests once grew and provided a high percentage of the earth's biodiversity (Sponsel, Headland, and Bailey 1996 . The article considers the desertification, drought and deforestation in Russia. Drought, deforestation and climate change. Deforestation affects the people and animals where trees are cut, as well as the wider world. It is well-acknowledged that the principal agent of land degradation is human activities. Lima 2014 Blog: Peru's Melting Glaciers, Desertification, and Deforestation . Find out what environmental issues are at stake, and what's being done to fix them. While the term may bring to mind the windswept sand dunes of the Sahara or the vast salt pans of the Kalahari, it's an issue that reaches far beyond those living in and around the world's deserts, threatening the food security and livelihoods of more than . Human activities, including deforestation and the overexploitation of aquifers, accelerate desertification. The idea was simple: if more people moved . In recent decades Eritrea also experienced a serious threat of . All of these contribute to the extreme global issue known as desertification. In 2019, the tropics lost close to 30 soccer fields' worth of trees every single minute. How the Sahel region in Africa is impacted by desertification? Deforestation or forest clearance is the removal of a forest or stand of trees from land that is then converted to non-forest use. These gross emissions are higher than the global annual emissions from burning coal. With 27 out of 32 climatic zones and 5 percent of the world's freshwater, Peru is the world's third-most vulnerable country when it comes to climate . Desertification and deforestation are similar in that both involve LAND-USE CHANGE PROCESSES Some of the processes that determine land-use changes have been of particular interest. Environmental Effects of Deforestation From Above Loss of Habitat. The consequences of deforestation include altered precipitation that can lead to desertification, the decline of biodiversity, and the loss of traditional culture. About 31% of Earth's land surface is covered by forests at present. Desertification reduces the productivity of land and contributes to poverty. By. Flood frequency and magnitude is increasing. This interactive animation explains the concept of deforestation and desertification. Desertification is more anthropogenic (man-made) than it is natural. Yet, satellite images of the earth show that every year, more forest covers disappear due to human activities.. Deforestation is a growing global concern.Not only do we lose precious natural resources, but deforestation also contributes to . Famine, poverty and political instability 8. Deforested area can be used variously as cropland, industrial area, residential area, fallow land, etc. As a human endeavor puts stress on the ground, the soil chemistry modifications, making it vulnerable rainfall. According to the UNFCCC, subsistence farming accounts for 48% of deforestation and commercial agriculture is responsible for 32%. Deforestation, desertification and climate solutions A decade later, the carbon market has collapsed and the developed countries' funding commitments for REDD+ have also been much lower than . But since the late 1960s, the Sahel has endured an extensive and severe drought. Overfarming or drought can change the soil so that rain no longer penetrates, and the plants lose the water they need to grow . Deforestation is accompanied by reduced humidity, owing to the absence of transpiring trees. overgrazing, deforestation, and poor irrigation practices. Deforestation experiment results reported by Bollasina J Ecosyst Ecography, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 1000226 ISSN: 2157-7625 Citation: Lodh A (2017) Simulated Impact of Desertification and Deforestation on Indian Monsoon Rainfall and Surface Fluxes: RegCM4.0 Simulations. The tropical and sub-tropical lands are more prone to desertification. This 5 page workbook explores the process of desertification and the 4 main causes of its occurrence. is that desertification is process by which a geographic region becomes a desert the change may result from natural changes in climate or by human activity while deforestation is the process of destroying a forest and replacing it with something else, especially by an agricultural system. Desertification And Deforestation The Amazon Rainforest is probably the most important region that is threatened by deforestation. The processes of deforestation and desertification, which are widespread, discrete when caused by human actions, and continuous when they occur naturally, are two of the major environmental concerns that are addressed by Agenda 21 developed for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in June 1992. Can be due to human activity and climate variations. Urbanization and development of tourism 7. Agriculture. Desertification is the persistent degradation of dryland ecosystems by variations in climate and human activities. How have deforestation, desertification, and damming negatively affected the environment?. Two thirds of the continent consists of desert or drylands. With over four million squared kilometers it is roughly the size of the United States. The water content in the soil and the groundwater levels also decline in the cleared land. Overgrazing 2. 2009 was noted as the first year that more people lived in urban spaces than in rural areas. - Water quality is declining. According to the UN desertification is " land degradation in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid areas are resulting from various factors including climatic variations and human activities". It is conversion of former moist and fertile land into arid desert area. Deforestation is a hot topic in environmental science and discussions about it are often heated because of the enormous environmental, economic, and social impacts. Deforestation, clearance or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non . Home to a third of the human population in 2000, drylands occupy nearly half of Earth's land area. It is caused by a variety of factors, such as climate change and human activities. Deforestation is a major factor that can contribute to desertification in which a region's forest is cut down or removed for its resources or the land it occupies. In any land, degradation of land which is caused due to variety of factors like human activities and climate change is referred as desertification. Drought, overgrazing, fire, and deforestation can thin out vegetation, leaving exposed soil. Home; B. C. girl with leukemia seeks Christmas stem cell donor - DigitalJournal.com; NEWS; desertification in africa 2020 2. Deforestation, Desertification, and the Drought in West Africa January 10, 1997 The region of West Africa has experienced significant changes in land cover during this century, ranging from deforestation near the Atlantic coast to desertification near the border with the Sahara desert. When a land is converted into non-forest use by removing forest or stand of trees is referred as Deforestation. Africa is particularly vulnerable to desertification. 'One root cause of desertification and deforestation is the use of wood as the basic source of energy, with the consequent loss of trees and degradation of the soil.' 'The UN in 2000 reported that half of all land in South Asia has lost agricultural potential because of desertification.' Thus, deforestation is one of the main factors leading to desertification, primarily through its effect on climate of the area. Desertification, explained. 5. The region of West Africa has experienced significant changes in land cover during this century, ranging from deforestation near the Atlantic coast to desertification near the border with the Sahara desert. - Deforestation accounts for around 10 percent of the worlds total carbon emissions. Understanding Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought (DLDD) Land is a vital resource for producing food and other ecosystem goods and services including conserving biodiversity, regulating hydrological regimes, cycling soil nutrients, and storing carbon, among others. Farmers will often be able to earn much more by cutting down the trees and transforming the land into farmland than by conserving the forest. The main cause of deforestation is agriculture (poorly planned infrastructure is emerging as a big threat too) and the main cause of forest degradation is illegal logging. 6. The opening section of Article 1 of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, which was adopted in 1994 and came into force in 1996. Desertification is a type of land degradation in which a relatively dry land region becomes increasingly arid, typically losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife. Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss Forests, desertification and biodiversity Martin 2020-08-11T09:59:01-04:00 These are: Deforestation Soil erosion and Degradation Clearing land . Deforestation leaves the soil bare to wind which leads to desertification. Desertification includes land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities. Desertification is a process of degradation of the land. Unsustainable agriculture techniques 3. Desertification and Deforestation are serious environmental concerns in the Sahel and East African countries, including Eritrea. Water shortage refers to the lack of water resources to . Causes for Desertification Deforestation Farming Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides Animal grazing Global warming Overpopulation Changes in land use Mining Excessive consumption Waste production and disposal Soil pollution Acid rain Natural causes Deforestation One significant cause of desertification can be deforestation. If the nutrient-rich top soil blows or washes away, plants may not be able to return. Deforestation and desertification ielts reading answer Details Created: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:21 Visits: 14429 LEVEL: B2 The Sahel Area is located between the Sahara Desert and the fertile savannahs of northern Nigeria and South Sudan. As a result of gross mismanagement of natural resources including land, certain irreversible changes have triggered the breakdown of nutrient cycles and microclimatic equilibrium in the soil indicating the onset of deserted conditions. Example - in 3600km2 of grassland was lost in china due to the spreading of the Gobi desert. Not only does deforestation threaten species known to us, but also those unknown. DEFORESTATION AND DESERTIFICATION. Fragile topsoil makes the environment susceptible. 2. 70% of land animals and plant species live in forests. Thus, deforestation is one of the main factors leading to desertification, primarily through its effect on climate of the area. Reforestation in Russia is considered. Zip. Elizabeth Gonzalez. In fact, deforestation has been linked to desertification and droughts. Desertification affects as. The word sahel comes from Arabic and means marginal or transitional, and this is a good description of these semi-arid lands, which occupy much of the West African countries of Mali, Mauritania . One of the main reasons for deforestation is the worldwide increasing demand for meat and plants. The obvious causes of desertification and deforestation consist of major ecosystem changes, such as land conversion for various purposes, over-dependence on natural resources and several forms of unsustainable land use. According to the environmental campaign Clean Up the World, desertification is the degradation of land in drylands, which affects all continents except Antarctica. Desertification is the process of how fertile land becomes desert. Desertification is the degradation of land caused mostly by human activities and climatic variation (Geottlich, 2013). 1. Deforestation removes the trees which hold the soil together by their roots. One of the most dangerous and unsettling effects of deforestation is the loss of animal and plant species due to their loss of habitat. 'One root cause of desertification and deforestation is the use of wood as the basic source of energy, with the consequent loss of trees and degradation of the soil.' 'The UN in 2000 reported that half of all land in South Asia has lost agricultural potential because of desertification.' Human activities that contribute to desertification include the expansion and intensive use of agricultural lands, poor irrigation practices, deforestation, and overgrazing. IELTS READING class 1: Deforestation and DesertificationIf you need a personal IELTS guide or you want to take your English to next level, you are highly en. Overpopulation and overexploitation of natural resources 6. Quick Navigation for The Major Causes and Effects of Desertification CAUSES 1. The 'arc of deforestation ' along the southern and eastern extent of the Brazilian Amazon is the most active land-use frontier in the universe in footings of entire forest loss " ( Morton et al, 2006 ) and " Globally, the chief forest transition procedure in the humid Torrid Zones was the transmutation of closed, unfastened, or . Deforestation, Desertification, and the Drought in West Africa . The hope that a majority urban population would slow the clearing of tropical forests — our most effective carbon sinks — seems, however, to have been misplaced. Desertification: " the desertification is the degradation of land in arid and arid sub-humid areas due to various factors: including climatic variations and human activities ". Rainfall is less than the potential evaporation. The effects of climate change, which is also driven by humans, and the destruction it causes in the form of extreme weather phenomena such as droughts, hurricanes, fires, etc. Deforestation is the destruction of a forest, but when the forest is gone, the land does not necessarily become a desert; it is more likely to become a grassland or savanna. Specific features of Russia distinguishing it from other countries subject to desertification and drought are given, and the main directions of combat against desertification and drought. Each worksheet contains a brief reading, reflection questions and a critical thinking component. In this article, the causes of deforestation are discussed according to the following outline; Lose the water they need to grow species known to us, but the population! Over the past century, the decline of biodiversity, and deforestation can thin out vegetation, leaving soil! An unprecedented scale around the world, with serious consequences can be to. 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