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During the examination, patients present tenderness at the lateral epicondyle of the femur, along the popliteus, and at its insertion. Popliteus muscle injuries are best evaluated on the axial and coronal planes ( Fig. well suited for imaging edema and pathology. Popliteal tendinopathy. The hypoechoic ring encircling the tendon represents surrounding fluid. MR imaging can provide useful information about the extent and location of the injury as well as . The double popliteus tendon sign is seen on sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee as a low-signal-intensity band parallel to the popliteus tendon at the level of the popliteus hiatus. While clinical evaluation, plain film radiography and computed tomography imaging are utilized in the evaluation of osseous injuries, magnetic resonance imaging is the modality of choice for evaluating the soft tissue structures of knee joint. Objective: Popliteal muscle and tendon injuries are thought to be unusual. The major posterior calf muscles include the gastrocnemius, soleus, popliteal, and plantaris muscles. With its superb soft-tissue contrast resolution, MR imaging is the imaging modality of choice for evaluation of acute traumatic musculotendinous injuries of the knee. Oblique tear of the posterior body of the medial meniscus measuring 2-2.5cm in length. in 2002 with MRI found that the medial head of the gastrocnemius . Patients also present swelling and redness. The popliteus tendon and muscle are best seen on axial and coronal images as low- and intermediate-signal-intensity structures, respectively (Figs. Posterior calf injuries are common and occur in both competitive and recreational athletes as well as active laborers. The popliteal bursa communicates with the joint and therefore may be referred to as the popliteal or subpopliteal recess (Fig. A tendon is a cord of tough tissue that connects muscles to bones. Popliteal muscle and tendon injuries are thought to be unusual. The posterolateral corner of the knee consists of the iliotibial band, long and short head of the biceps femoris muscle, fibular collateral ligament, posterior capsule, popliteus tendon (PLT . Cruciate ligaments. Fig. Posterolateral corner injury, with tear of the popliteal fibular ligament, posterolateral and posteromedial meniscocapsular rupture with hemorrhage, lateral meniscopopliteal complex tear, and partial tear of the popliteus tendon at the origin. describe as an easy-to-apply ultrasound approach to evaluate the popliteal tendon and muscle in horses. 8, 9 The muscle ranges from 7 to 13 cm long varying highly in both size and form when present. Trochlear groove depth. 12). T2-weighted imaging using the coronal and axial planes (Fig. STIR (Short T1 Inversion Recovery) . The study included 24 patients where the diagnoses of popliteal injuries were prospectively made based on MR appearances. Popliteus injury symptoms. Objective. (a) Overview of the course of the popliteus tendon (arrow) and its intimately related synovial recess (white arrow heads) on a coronal MRI fat saturated T2-weighted image of the dorsal aspect of the left knee without effusion in a 64-year-old male floor layer. They usually occur in conjunction with other significant injuries of the knee and can be characterized with MR imaging. An injury to the popliteal tendon denotes a more severe injury. See the article entitled Knee MRI - meniscal pathology for the pathology of the meniscus. Popliteus is a small muscle located at the back of the knee. MRI is accurate in identifying and characterizing plantar muscle injury. The first step to healing your Popliteus Muscle is avoiding the activity that caused the injury. Popliteus muscle injury symptoms can occur gradually through overuse or may result from a sudden twisting, fall or collision and include: Pain at the back of your knee joint. 1, 2 In these cases the injury is extensive and may include disruption of the arcuate ligament complex, the lateral collateral ligament, both . 4A, 4B).The popliteus tendon has strong attachments to the lateral meniscus posteriorly. Publicationdate 2005-8-2 0. This report describes the magnetic resonance (MR) appearances of popliteus muscle and tendon injuries. Insertion: Posterior surface of tibia in a fan-like fashion, just superior to the popliteal line. Skeletal Radiol. The postural function of the popliteus muscle. . a The popliteus tendon is swollen and hypoechoic (arrow). Action: Rotates knee medially and flexes the leg on the thigh. Ganglion cyst of the popliteus tendon is an unusual cause of posterolateral knee pain. This type of displaced meniscal tear can be easily missed on MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a radiologic procedure that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to develop detailed image cross-sections of the body, including the knee (1). Popliteus tendinopathy is a knee injury that typically occurs in combination with other traumatic injuries of the lateral knee, especially posterolateral corner structures, posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), and meniscus 1. Initial radiographs revealed calcifications within the posterolateral compartment of the knee. POPLITEUS MUSCLE COMPLEX OF THE KNEE. The accessory muscle is very similar to the normal popliteus muscle in that it is situated in the deep plane of the popliteal fossa as well as its course paralleling to the normal popliteus muscle. 2,3 The study group was taken from 2412 consecutive knee MRIs. The lateral knee ultrasound shows a calcific deposit of 14.3 × 10.7 × 6 mm located in the proximal end of the popliteal tendon in long (A) and short (B) axis. However, there is limitation in naming of this accessory muscle. Treatment of popliteus tendinitis Based on clinical and imaging evaluations, the decision was made to treat the patient with conservative fracture ACL assessment. Sagittal ultrasound of the lateral knee ( ) at the level of the popliteal notch (*) demonstrates a loculated hypoechoic focus between the fibular collateral ligament (dashed arrow) and the biceps femoris tendon (arrow heads). The plantaris muscle: anatomy, injury, imaging, and treatment As the morphology of the popliteus muscle in situ is rarely discussed in relationship to musculoskeletal assessment of the knee region, the purpose of this paper was to present the . 1. The muscle originates from the lateral supracondylar line of the femur just superior and medial to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle as well as from the oblique popliteal ligament in the posterior aspect of the knee. MRI and ultrasonography are both suitable for investigating muscle or tendon tear, or the involvement of the PT in AT pathology. [.] Measurement of distance between femoral insertion of fibular collateral ligament and popliteus tendon: A magnetic resonance imaging based study. The extra-articular segment of the tendon quickly joins its muscle belly, which in turn attaches to the posteromedial proximal tibial surface. All correspondence should be addressed to: Diyaa Abdul Rauf Algazwi . It was first described by Barnes in 1995 [1] Barnes CL, Scott RD. Figure 2. The popliteus tendon goes from the bottom back of the thighbone across the back of the knee to the top front of the shinbone. Calcific foci were seen diffusely within the tendon and along its anatomical course, which corresponds to the radiographic findings illustrated in Fig. Conditions like deep vein thrombosis, rupture of Baker's cyst, and tumors can also mimic these findings. The popliteus tendon originates on the anterior aspect of the popliteus groove just anterior and inferior to the origin of the lateral collateral ligament and extends inferiorly and medially to insert on the posterior medial aspect of the tibia (Fig. The cyamella is Department of Radiology, Acibadem Hospital, Kozyatagi, not discernible due to its deep location between the tibia and the Istanbul, Turkey Wbula 123 Surg Radiol Anat (2006) 28:642-645 643 Fig. Popliteal tenosynovitis. Popliteus tendon. The popliteal tendon (PT) has its proximal attachment on the lateral femoral condyle, anteroinferiorly to the lateral collateral ligament. In addition, we use MRI to rule out other causes of pain at the back of the knee such as cartilage or meniscal tear. Nevertheless, the popliteus tendon lies extra-articular and extra-synovial [19, 34]. Popliteal Tendon Avulsion - If an isolated popliteal is confirmed by MRI imaging , conservative management with a long knee brace , early weight bearing and early range of motion for three months. This case report highlights an unusual cause of anterolateral knee pain. In acute tears, there is focal or diffuse disruption of the ligament.Increased T2 signal may be seen both within and around the . 1995 Aug;10 (4):543-5. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. Thisisanopen URL of Article. These imaging findings are identical to the case first reported by Duc et al. In 8.3% (2/24) of patients, the popliteus injury was an isolated finding. Atlas of Knee MRI Anatomy. 4. Popliteal artery courses beneath popliteus muscle. Injury to plantaris muscle can present with similar clinical features. The popliteus tendon, forming a strong cord, is intra-capsular structure that runs deep to the lateral collateral ligament (LCL), and passes through the pop-liteal hiatus [37]. Varus stress injury resulting in partial tears of the lateral ligaments and tendons. patient had isolated popliteus musclotendinous complex injury. Medical images from an MRI allow medical professionals to distinguish . In an imaging study of 24 popliteal tendon injuries, only 8.3% were isolated [5, 10]. Origin: Anterior part of the popliteal groove on lateral surface of lateral femoral condyle. Fluid extending along the popliteus bursa. Innervation: Tibial nerve (L4, L5, S1) Arterial Supply: Medial inferior genicular . Popliteus A Knee Stabiliser. On this page: Article: Epidemiology. Design and patients. J Arthroplasty. . Injury to the plantaris on its own, or in These muscles primarily perform active plantarflexion of the ankle and are typically injured during ballistic movements. Joint fluid effusion. The injury may be accompanied by an audible "pop" in the calf, with subsequent pain and swelling, and frequently with a palpable mass caused by hematoma. 1953;1(5):177-179. 2017;46(7):1003-1006. Here, we report two cases with MR imaging findings. (E) Type IV. It is also called popliteus tendinitis. The study group was taken from 2412 consecutive knee MRIs. TTTG. Doucet C, Gotra A, Reddy SMV, Boily M. Acute calcific tendinopathy of the popliteus tendon: a rare case diagnosed using a multimodality imaging approach and treated conservatively. Imaging. It takes origin from the posterior surface of proximal medial tibia, extends via the popliteus hiatus, and inserts into the posterior horn of lateral . Ref: Grading anterior cruciate ligament graft injury after ligament reconstruction surgery: diagnostic efficacy of oblique coronal MR imaging of the knee. The only PLC structure with lower diagnostic accuracy values was the popliteofibular ligament, with 68.8% sensitivity and 66.7% specificity.1, 29 However, for the optimal MRI diagnostic accuracy for PLC injuries, an imaging sequence using 2 mm slices in a coronal oblique plane following the obliquity of the popliteus tendon30 should be employed. Barnett CH, Richardson AT. Imaging showed variation in the popliteal complex in horses. Significant extension loss was observed in his right knee with 30 . Continued pain, instability, and effusions are typical symptoms, wi … [4] The popliteus muscle offers posterolateral stability to the knee by internally rotating the tibia. The plantaris muscle: anatomy, injury, imaging, and treatment Andreo A. Spina, DC* The plantaris muscle is often dismissed as a small, vestigial muscle, however an injury to this structure should actually be included in differential considerations of the painful calf. 2 Static ultrasound images of the lateral compartment of the left knee. From the Radiology Department, Dammam Medical Complex, Dammam, Saudi Arabia (DARA); and National University Health System, Singapore (DARA, QST, GLE, ESE, VSYT, JTPDH). Isolated injuries of the popliteus muscle are unusual (, 32). Imaging. Conclusion: MRI imaging is crucial in the evaluation of the different sites and patterns of injuries of the popliteus musclotendinous complex when suspecting PLC injury. Table 1 Routine MR imaging protocol: knee (volume surface phased array) coil Sequence Fat Saturation FOV (cm) Matrix TR (ms) TE (ms) Slice Thickness/Gap (mm) Ultrasound. Also, ultrasound can be used to see the changes in the popliteus tendon. Injuries can be sudden onset (acute) or gradual onset (chronic) overuse injuries. MRI of popliteus injuries may show different stages, according to the level and grade of its damage. Five injuries were isolated or associated with partial tears of the gastrocnemius or popliteus muscle. popliteus tendon; knee; magnetic resonance imaging; arthroscopy; Isolated rupture of the popliteus musculotendinous unit is an uncommon injury. There was no other associated lesion. If you take the time to rest now, you will notice much faster healing, though rest alone will not accelerate recovery.If you want to heal as quickly as possible, you need something more aggressive.You need the same healing tools that allow professional athletes to get back into the game so soon . edema posterior to popliteus tendon can indicate an injury to the underlying structures of the PLC. b There is increased color Doppler . The mechanism of injury that results in a popliteal tendon tear may also increase the possibility of a peroneal nerve injury. can cause knee pain . Excellent for. There must also be attention for asymmetry, erythema of the involved tendon, change in range of motion. The injuries . Popliteus syndrome is an overuse injury of the popliteal tendon. Ann Phys Med. Popliteus tendinopathy causes lateral knee pain. Popliteus Tendinopathy, sometimes referred to as popliteal tendonitis or tenosynovitis, is a rare and poorly described cause of knee pain. . 4) (2). This report describes the magnetic resonance (MR) appearances of popliteus muscle and tendon injuries. Radiographs. Adapted from Macedo TA, Johnson CM, Hallett JW, et al. Synovial recess along the popliteus tendon presented at three distances from the popliteus hiatus. Popliteus injuries or injuries of the popliteus musculotendinous complex occur within the scope of posterolateral corner injuries of the knee and include avulsions, complete and partial tendinous and myotendinous tears as well as muscle injuries. Diagnosis. A case study published in 2014, by two radiologists in the USA, reported the case of a bone formation in the popliteus known as a sesamoid bone (same type of bone as a knee cap) 10.This sesamoid bone was referred to as a cyamella, and is a rare occurrence in the posterolateral corner of the knee at the point where the muscle and tendon of the popliteus is found. This article is based on a presentation given by David Rubin and adapted for the Radiology Assistant by Robin Smithuis. Popliteus muscle injuries seldom occur in isolation and are an important ancillary finding of internal derangement of the knee joint. Often overlooked, it plays a very important role in knee function, both in unlocking the knee as it bends and protecting the lateral meniscus. 24-33 The imaging findings of an ACL tear will largely depend on the degree of injury and timing of the scan relative to the date of injury. 7, 12 The rationale for acute intervention in popliteal tendon injury is to restore the biomechanical integrity . This review focusses on all the non-meniscal pathology of the knee. A study by Koulouris et al. A 13-year-old semiprofessional soccer player applied to our clinic with a locked right knee in spite of the therapy applied (cold pack, NSAID, and immobilization) in another institution 20 days after the injury. Figure 12. Naresh Kumar Saini Department of Orthopaedics, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Medical Sciences, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi, 110001, India. Design and patients: The study included 24 patients where the diagnoses of popliteal injuries were prospectively made based on MR appearances. Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome: Role of Imaging in the Diagnosis. Less commonly, the tendinopathy may be . Conclusion Popliteus muscle and tendon injuries are not uncommon. Popliteal tendon ruptures are rare in isolation. Popliteal artery and gastrocnemius are normally positioned, but fibrous band is responsible for entrapment. Although avulsions at the femoral insertion may occur, injuries of the popliteus muscle and tendon usually involve the muscle belly or musculotendinous junction . The management of isolated popliteal tendon injuries remains controversial, with some authors favoring conservative management 10, 11 but others proposing surgical intervention for acute and chronic grade 3 injuries of the popliteus. A high signal from T2 weighted images in and around the muscle belly in the popliteal fossa or at the myotendinous junction. If conservative management fails , a delayed repair of the popliteal tendon with miniscrews or suture anchors can be performed. Popliteal tendon tears without concomitant damage to the cruciate ligaments or other posterolateral corner ligaments are rare entities with few studies reporting on their existence, with rare case reports discussing their treatment. Pain when the leg is rotated . look for injury to the LCL, popliteus, and biceps tendon . Injury to the popliteus muscle belly can also occur, but this is more often associated with other injuries, such as ACL tears and posterolateral corner injuries. Injury may be shown by avulsion of the proximalattachmenttothefemur,avulsionofthedistal attachment to the fibular head with or without bony avulsion, thickening, or tear (Fig. The popliteus muscle arises from three origins—that is, the lateral femoral condyle, the fibula head, and the lateral meniscus—and inserts into the proximal tibia above the soleal line. The average total length of the popliteus tendon to its An MRI evaluation may show (19):. We report a case of partial intrasubstance tear of popliteus tendon as an unusual cause of pseudolocking of the knee. It originates at the bottom of your femur, the large thigh bone, and inserts at the tibia, or shinbone. Key Method We present the case of a previously healthy 48-year-old female who presented to the emergency department with acute onset of left knee pain. Popliteal ursa. Their attachment site, 4B ).The popliteus tendon has strong attachments to the knee by internally rotating tibia... 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